Escape from Holgarf's Lair!!!

You are in a locked room deep in the dungeon of Holgarf's lair with only one window and two locked doors. Suddenly a pigeon lands in the window sill and drops an envelope. You open the envelope and find a key. This is your chance to escape!! But which door does the key open? The door on the left or the door on the right? Select a door to try the key on.

     leftdoor rightdoor

"It appears the key does not work on this door. Shall we try the left door?


You enter a long dark narrow hallway. It leads left and right. Choose which way to go

hallwayleft  hallwayright

You come to the end of the hallway. There are three doors. One on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right. Select a door to open.

leftdoor   middledoor   middledoor

You enter into an empty room with only one window made of solid iron.

No way to escape here. You go back into the hallway to try the other doors.


You enter into a stairwell that curves upwards. You proceed up the stairs cautiously. Stealthy a ninja. Till you come to a locked door at the top of the stairway.


You unlock the door and as you move thru the door a guard confronts you


Where do you think your going lad? If you want your freedom you have to get passed me. I will let you go if you can answer one question correctly. Answer it wrong and you will be doomed forever!!! Buhahhahahahhahahaha!!! Okay answer me this: If 2x2 =4 and 4x4=16 what does 6x6 =?

I will give you three hints: Click on an image below that you think is right? Be careful now son...pick the wrong one and your doomed


into another hallway that leads to a grand lobby. There is great golden door. You open it...and...Freedom!!

freedom empty room

You proceed back into the hallway and try the other doors?Click on the image.

You come to a stairway that leads downwards. You proceed down the stairs cautiously....till you enter a massive wine cellar.

You proceed thru the wine cellar looking for some form of escape. A door. An exit. You almost give up hope when you spot something at the back of the wine cellar

It's a dumbwaiter!! You squeeze your self in and steadily pull on the ropes...raising the dumbwaiter with every pull...till you can't pull anymore. You lock the rope with the pin. You open the dumbwaiter doors climb out into a room with door.


into another hallway that leads to a grand lobby. There is great golden door. You open it...and...Freedom!!


